


王惠聪, 女,197212月出生,汉族,福建泉州人,博士、教授、博士研究生导师。20017月获得华南农业大学博士学位并留在园艺学院果树生理研究室任教。20073月至20083月,在国家留学基金的资助下到美国康奈尔大学园艺系研修1年,指导老师为Lailiang Cheng教授。主持或参加了多项国家自然科学基金和省部级项目。发表各类论文80多篇,其中SIC收录论文近30篇。获得广东省科技进步一等奖和国家科技进步一等奖各1项。指导的硕士研究论文“荔枝果皮花色素苷生物合成相关基因表达分析及新基因筛选”获2011年度广东省优秀学位论文。2014年入选广东省“千百十”培养对象。

















荔枝白坚木皮醇的分布与运输特点、生物学性质及代谢机制探索, 国家自然科学基金(31471838),2015.01-2018.12,排名第一


果实摄取钙的途径及调控机理的研究, 国家自然科学基金(31372009),67 2014.01-2017.12, 排名第二




序号著作名称出版社   发表


性质字数(万)    本人


 1   果实品质形成与调控的分子生理


     2007.09  专著2.8  编委

2    荔枝学   中国农业出版社

     2008.11  专著1.1  编委

3    常绿果树生殖生理及调控技术  中国农业出版社

     2011.08  专著3.0  编委




1. Lai B, Du LN, Liu R, Hu B, Su WB, Qin YH, Zhao JT, Wang H-C*, Hu G-B*. Two LcbHLH transcription factors interacting with LcMYB1 in regulating late structural genes of anthocyanin biosynthesis in Nicotiana and Litchi chinensis during anthocyanin accumulation. Frontier in Plant Science, 2016, 7:166. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00166.

2. Li XJ, Zhang JQ, Wu ZC, Lai B, Huang XM, Qin YH, Wang HC*, Hu GB*. Functional characterization of a glucosyltransferase gene, LcUFGT1, involved in the formation of cyanidin glucoside in the pericarp of Litchi chinensis. Physiologia Plantarum, 2016, 156: 139-149.

3. Wang TD, Zhang HF, Wu ZC, Li JG, Huang XM*, Wang HC*. Sugar uptake in the aril of litchi fruit depends on the apoplasmic post-phloem transport and the activity of proton pumps and the putative transporter LcSUT4. Plant and Cell Physiology, 2015, 562):377-387

4. Lai BHu B, Qin YH, Zhao JT, Wang HC, Hu GB*. Transcriptomic analysis of Litchi chinensispericarp during maturation with a focus on chlorophyll degradation and flavonoid biosynthesis. BMC Genomics, 2015, 16:225 DOI 10.1186/s12864-015-1433-4

5. Lai B, Li XJ, Hu B, Qin YH, Huang XM, Wang HC*, Hu GB*. LcMYB1 is a key determinant o f differential anthocyan in accumulation among genotypes, tissues, developmental phases and ABA and light Stimuli in Litchi chinensis. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(1): e86293. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0086 293.

6. Yang ZYZhang JQWang TD, Huang XM, Hu GB, Wang HC*. Does acid invertase regulate the seed development of Litchi chinensis? Acta Hort, 2014, 1029: 301-307

7. Fu XY, Zhou LY, Huang JB, Mo WP, Zhang JY, Li JG, Wang HC*, Huang XM*. Relating photosynthetic performance to leaf greenness in litchi: A comparison among genotypes. Scientia Horticulturae, 2013152:1625

8. Jiang SY, Xu HY, Wang HC**, Hu GB, Li JG, Chen HB, Huang XM*.  A comparison of the costs of flowering in Feizixiao and Baitangying litchi. Scientia Horticulturae, 2012, 148: 118125

9. Wang HC, Hu ZQ, Wang Y, Chen HB, Huang XM*. Phenolic compounds and the antioxidant activities in litchi pericarp: Difference among cultivars. Scientia Horticulturea, 2011, 129: 784-789

10. Wang HC, Cheng LL*. Differential Effects of Nitrogen Supply on Skin Pigmentation and Flesh Starch Breakdown of Gala Apple. HortScience, 2011.46(8):1-5

11. Wei Y Z, Hu F C, Hu G B, Li X J, Huang X M, Wang H C*. Differential expression of anthocyanin biosynthetic genes in relation to anthocyanin accumulation in the pericarp of Litchi Chinensis Sonn. PLoS ONE 6(4): e19455. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0019455

12. Wang HC, Ma FF, Cheng LL*. Metabolism of Organic Acids, Nitrogen and Amino Acids in Chlorotic Leaves of Honeycrisp Apple (Malus domestica Borkh) with excessive accumulation of carbohydrates. Planta, 2010, 232:511-22



王惠聪,黄旭明,陈厚彬,胡桂兵. 一种从无患子科植物荔枝、龙眼提取白坚木皮醇的方法. 中国专利 ZL 2011 1 0038349.0 授权时间 2013.07




《荔枝高效安全生产理论与关键技术体系研究及产业化应用》, 2012,广东省科学技术一等奖, 排名第十一

《荔枝高效生产技术创新与应用》, 2014,国家科学技术进步二等奖, 排名第七