






2017.07-至今     华南农业大学,园艺学院蔬菜系,讲师

2011.09-2017.07  中国农业大学,园艺学院,博士

2007.09-2011.07  青岛农业大学,园艺学院,学士










1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,黄瓜生长素合成基因CsYUC8调控高温早衰的分子机制,2019.08-162022.1225万元,在研,主持

2. 广东省自然科学基金项目,黄瓜生长素合成基因CsYUC8响应高温胁迫的机理研究,2018.052021.0410万元,在研,主持 

3. 广东省教育厅科技类项目,黄瓜CsBP响应高温胁迫的分子机理研究,2019.012020.1215万元,在研,主持 

4. 华南农业大学青年科技人才培育专项资金,2018-201920万元,在研,主持

5. 国家重点研发计划子课题,茄子调控青枯病抗性分子机理及连锁分子标记开发研究,2018.042020.1115万元,在研,参加

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,AP2/ERFs转录因子和油菜素内酯互作调控黄瓜疫病抗性机制研究,2019.012022.1260万元,在研,参加



1. Yan S, Chen N, Huang Z, Li D, Zhi J, Yu B, et al. Anthocyanin Fruit encodes an R2R3-MYB transcription factor, SlAN2-like, activating the transcription of SlMYBATV to fine-tune anthocyanin content in tomato fruit[J]. New Phytol. 2020, 225(5): 2048-2063.  

2. Qiu Z*, Yan S*, Xia B, Jiang J, Yu B, Lei J, et al. The eggplant transcription factor MYB44 enhances resistance to bacterial wilt by activating the expression of spermidine synthase[J]. J Exp Bot. 2019, 70(19): 5343-5354.  

3. Yu B, Yan S, Zhou H, Dong R, Lei J, Chen C, et al. Overexpression of CsCaM3 Improves High Temperature Tolerance in Cucumber[J]. Front Plant Sci. 2018, 9: 797.  

4. Qiu Z, Wang H, Li D, Yu B, Hui Q, Yan S, et al. Identification of Candidate HY5-Dependent and -Independent Regulators of Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in Tomato[J]. Plant Cell Physiol. 2019, 60(3): 643-656.  

5. Ding, L*., Yan, S*., Jiang, L*., Zhao, W., Ning, K., Zhao, J., Liu, X., Zhang, J., Wang, Q., and Zhang, X. (2015). HANABA TARANU (HAN) Bridges Meristem and Organ Primordia Boundaries through PINHEAD, JAGGED, BLADE-ON-PETIOLE2 and CYTOKININ OXIDASE 3 during Flower Development in Arabidopsis. PLOS GENET 11, e1005479.

6. Jiang, L*., Yan, S*., Yang, W., Li, Y., Xia, M., Chen, Z., Wang, Q., Yan, L., Song, X., Liu, R., and Zhang, X. (2015). Transcriptomic analysis reveals the roles of microtubule-related genes and transcription factors in fruit length regulation in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Sci Rep 5, 8031.

7 Ding, L., Yan, S., Jiang, L., Liu, M., Zhang, J., Zhao, J., Zhao, W., Han, Y.Y., Wang, Q., and Zhang, X. (2015). HANABA TARANU regulates the shoot apical meristem and leaf development in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). J EXP BOT 66, 7075-7087.

8. Liu, X., Ning, K., Che, G., Yan, S., Han, L., Gu, R., Li, Z., Weng, Y., and Zhang, X. (2018). CsSPL functions as an adaptor between HD-ZIP III and CsWUS transcription factors regulating anther and ovule development in Cucumis sativus (cucumber). PLANT J 94, 535-547.

9. Yan, S., Che, G., Ding, L., Chen, Z., Liu, X., Wang, H., Zhao, W., Ning, K., Zhao, J., and Tesfamichael, K. (2016). Different cucumber CsYUC genes regulate response to abiotic stresses and flower development. SCI REP-UK 6, 20760.

10. Zhao, J., Li, Y., Ding, L., Yan, S., Liu, M., Jiang, L., Zhao, W., Wang, Q., Yan, L., Liu, R., and Zhang, X. (2016). Phloem transcriptome signatures underpin the physiological differentiation of the pedicel, stalk and fruit of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). PLANT CELL PHYSIOL 57, 19-34.

11. 吉康娜,郅俊杰,林丹妮,颜爽爽,田时炳,曹比好,邱正坤. 基于茄子基因组重测序的InDel标记开发及应用[J]. 植物遗传资源学报. 2019, 20(05): 1278-1288. 

12. 余炳伟,陈娜,雷建军,陈长明, 邱正坤,颜爽爽*,曹必好*. 黄瓜高温胁迫转录组分析和耐热基因筛选及功能分析[Z]. 中国江苏南京: 20181.

13. 邱正坤,颜爽爽,余炳伟,杨洋,王永清,雷建军,田时炳,曹必好. 茄子E3连接酶基因SmPUB表达分析及功能鉴定[Z]. 中国山东青岛: 20181.